I started the month in Norfolk all alone. Jessi left for a Navy trip in Mississippi and I was needed to watch and care for her cats. She has two very cute cats and they kept me company while spent my time working out, walking on the beach, watching tv and writing. I was very diligent to exercise every morning with weights and although Jessi has a wonderful gym in her garage, it was often too cold in the morning so I made a nice space in her living room. By noon it would get past 50 degrees with several days reaching past 60. It was not hot, but it was quite wonderful for long walks typically with view all to myself. Although I have started with some writing, I've been very inconsistent, so this was a good week of daily writing for 2 to 4 hours a day. I'm hoping to get back to it once I get home in Rochester.
I flew back to Madison late Thursday so I could sub at Memorial on Friday. Jessi returned on Friday, so the cats were fine. Erika and I had lunch together on Friday at school and ran errands after school. Monika and I did a Costco run together, had some time to do some packing and got to look at houses on Saturday morning. I spent Saturday afternoon at Erika's helping her set up a guest room so that I will have a place to stay once the condo is sold! I left late Saturday afternoon for home. Sunday morning I was back at the gym, doing yoga and on the treadmill. Jim still enjoys walks out on the trail but I do my walking at the gym when it gets below 30! So I'm back home after 3 weeks away! I hope to spend most of the month here.