I slept in a bit. I'm still adjusting from daylight savings. My body ached from the weekend yoga, extra walking and yesterday's T25. I had to fast this morning because of a wellness screening the district is asking teachers to take which is, even for me, invasive. I offered my blood to a screener in room 102 only to find out what I already know that I have slightly high cholesterol (217) and blood sugar (103). My blood pressure was down but still considered a low risk (140/86) and my BMI was somewhat embarrassing (29). So now that the district has this information, how will this effect my job security? Will I be asked to pay a premium for my insurance because of my genetic disposition that my loving parents with heart disease (dad) and diabetes (mom) have passed down to me? Will this info be in my future job performance notes? Are we looking at a future when the principal will not only ask me about student learning objectives but what my weight is?
After the blood letting, the day went on normally. Melissa was in subbing for Joe, the newspaper was posted on line, I had lunch with an artist alumni, I worked on the yearbook and went out to dinner with Josh and Melissa after taking Balt for a quick walk. I was sorry not to have gotten a photo of the three of us at the Great Dane enjoying amazing conversation. There is always so much for us to discuss. The state of the school and our community as well as our artistic endeavors and aspirations. I will say that I am proud of Madison-- this isn't Ferguson! As our students and community leaders react to the aftermath of the police shooting of an unarmed black teen, I am encouraged by the empathy on both sides and the ability for those who need to protest to do so peacefully. I am impressed by some of the student posts I see on Facebook and have hope that there will be a better future, but I am an optimist. An interview on this morning's news from a community pastor offers wisdom and the sentiment that "we will get through this together." I can't help but be glad to be working here.