It was a nice Friday. I was going to go out to lunch today but then decided to just come home and enjoy some soup with Balt. After school we went for a walk and got a splash of sunshine and bits of blue sky. It was quite pretty.
I went to hot yoga this evening and made sure to discuss my back situation before class with the teacher, who was a really good one. He told me that my pain was in "the best possible place to have back pain" which seemed weird but he explained why. Then he offered some hands on assists in the class and at the very end pulled on my legs while I was laying in shavasana which was amazing. I was really glad I talked to him. I talked to another women in class, who overheard my conversation with the teacher and she encouraged me to get a massage, which I'm going to do asap. My back is sore from all the extra pulling and bending. The strain is manageable, but I know I have to be really careful that I don't over do it so I'm just taking this one day at a time. I came home feeling amazing but ready for bed by 8pm.