I got sick again last week. This is the 3rd time I've been sick this school year, more than any other year I have taught in 25 years. I'm not sure if it is because I'm older or if there is just so much more out there. I kicked off the school year with a bout of Covid and have gotten an aggressive cold (RSV?). I do not wear a mask and I should. Between the cold, age and it being the end of the year, I am weary and ready for a summer break. I'm starting to feel like I may be ready for retirement soon (next year or two?).
On Sunday Monika got us tickets to go see Lion King. I was able to invite my friends; Joe brought his family, Grace and Patty both brought their husbands. It was a very fun evening. I sat next to Joe's wife who also had a cold, so I did not feel bad not wearing a mask since both of us were blowing our noses.
At school, I am working on finishing up. The newspaper is working on a senior issue and the yearbook is fixing up a small mistake. We got our books delivered a week early which gave us plenty of time to fix a broken QR code. We used a free website to make the code and it expired. I made a new one with Adobe and purchased stickers. After printing 1000 off, the kids started working on sticking them all in. It is a very minor mistake. There are a few spelling mistakes, but so far, the book looks so good. The kids want me to tell them it is the best and I hate telling them I have to wait until it gets out there. I have to wait until I get complaints. That's the thing, I only hear the complaints. It's part my feeling a bit low at this time year-- I am afraid of those potential complaints. I haven't gotten them, but I know how horrible that feeling is when a mom emails complaining about how we left their kid or spelled their kid's name wrong. Mom's tend to think other kids did it on purpose and want heads to roll. Only once I got an email from a mom who thanked me for all the work but wanted to inform me of a minor mistake regarding her kid. I was so impressed with how sensitive this woman was with me. I wish everyone could be that kind, but they aren't. I shared with my students, that no one ever contacts me to tell me how great the book is, so they needed to listen to what kids are saying and remember to share a few good comments my way. I could use a few nice words every so often.