Jim's in Korea for a couple of weeks, so I was home alone this week. It was the first time I felt the angst of wanting to go back to school. Being alone is nice for a few days but after a while it gets hard without a dog. I lived alone for a while, but I always had Balt. He made it livable. Jim and I have decided to hold off on getting pets so that we can travel but I would like to get a dog again.
Things I accomplished this week in Rochester: started watching all the X-men movies in chronological order (not release)-- got thru 8/13, painted the extra bedroom with pink, added 1/4 round to edges of flooring, ordered and installed new patio screen doors, removed the old dishwasher, ordered and installed a new one from Costco, removed my old backsplash and tiled a new one, installed a new toilet seat and all new guts to fix a leak, ordered and installed a new fridge and stove, and mowed the lawn.
Before the week was up, I decided to go back to Madison earlier than originally planned. I spent a day at school, met with a new teacher who had questions for the new school year and I learned how to use a new printer. I had a lot of fun spending the day at school for the first time without any sense of stress since I had no work that had to be done. It certainly scratched the itch I was having. The rest of my time in Madison is to work on the condo. There is so much to do there. Having Monika and Erika living there complicates things a bit but it is nice to stay with them. This trip I worked on cleaning the hall walls and touching up the paint. I also hope to have time to work on the garden, weeding, and cleaning. I need to take photos of the garden and yard this fall since I plan to sell at the end of winter.