The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence by Deepak Chopra came out in 2004. I purchased it at some point in my life with a bunch of other books with a coupon at Borders Bookstore. The book was stacked with other books to read and finally sent out to a shelf in the garage with a bunch of "I don't know what to do with all this stuff" stuff. Then in the middle of May 2014, my life seemed to turn upside down. What I understood to be a solid, unshakable truth, ended up being a lie. My husband of 26 years left me. In times of extreme stress, I clean. I really clean. I move furniture and throw a lot of shit away. As piles of stuff was getting tossed from the house out to the garage and then out to the curb, I found that book and started reading it.
At that same time, the very middle of May 2014, the bathroom lights that had stopped working years earlier, suddenly turned on. It seemed miraculous. We had been living with a lamp in the bathroom. My husband had replace both switches, but his attempts to fix the lighting had failed. We opted to add a lamp instead of paying for an electrician. Then shortly after, like hours after, my husband shared the truth with me, the truth that he had not loved me for years but had been having an affair and was leaving me, yes, that was when the lights just started working. No explanation, no intervention, no rhythm or reason other than maybe, synchronicity.
Synchronicity is a concept Carl Jung offered us that explains some events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur without a causual relationship-- not casual, but cause-ual. The meaningful relationship between two unrelated events might actaually be related. To me, the bathroom lights being turned on at the same time that the truth was being relieved in my life had a significant correlation. The man who could not fix them was actually the cause of their darkening our lives. Then as I read Chopra's book on the power of coincidences, I realized that the book was meant for me to read at that time in my life, not at the time I had purchased it. I needed to read and understand it in May of 2014, not a month sooner.
I suppose everyone experiences coincidences. Each of us are connected with one another in ways we often are not even aware. Whether you believe it is God orchestrating things behind the scenes or a great pervasive intelligence that is at the heart of the universe creating coincidences, synchronizing an amazing choreography, things are not so accidental. We can consciously shape our desires and our destinies by moving closer to enlightenment, to understanding how the universe works, by not just trusting God, so to speak, but rather by speaking to Him. The key is to pay attention and ask why.
According to Chopra there is a deeper level of reality. Science calls it quantum reality. Physics defines quantum as the smallest indivisible unit of information and energy. So if our thoughts are units of information and energy and when energy has a pattern, it becomes information. To be honest, the scientific explanations Chopra offers stretched my mind beyond understanding at times, but I understood that "energy and matter and information are interchangeable." In the quantum world we are interconnected and we inseparable. And so we are simply fields of energy and information in the universe of energy and information, where everything is happening at the speed of light. Even our physical bodies are really just energy, constantly remaking, and regenerating ourselves. Our emotions are recycled energy, reacting depending on situations, circumstances, relationships and events. It is incredibly complicated and ever so simple. We live our lives typically in cause and effect relationships, linear thinking. But life is not linear, it is a web of connections. Intentions are interwoven and there is ripple effect that is often beyond our understanding.
Chopra describes seven principles of what he calls SynchroDestiny:
1) The existence of a Conscious Energy Field; the underlying intelligence that gives rise to my body and yours and the universe as a whole.
2) Understanding how human relationships operate in terms of Creating Cosmic Connections; in that the ability to create positive human relationships is fundamental.
3) Mastering your Inner Dialogue, and recognizing the fact that it is the heart and mind that control external reality; if there is something that you can not find/achieve, it is because there is something within you that is preventing you from finding what you want or need.
4) Penetrating the Conspiracy of Improbabilities means learning to recognize meaningful coincidences and seeing them as opportunities.
5) Once we understand that external reality can’t be separated from internal reality, and that the universe is our extended body, it is clear that it’s necessary for each of us to Harness Emotional Turbulence, in order to transform negative energy into a higher level of awareness.
6) Learning to Use the Infinite Organizing Power of Intention, which requires letting go of the idea that the universe is an inert machine, and realizing that the force within ourselves such as intention, is just as real as that of gravity or electromagnetism.
7) Celebrating the Cosmic Dance is about synchronizing the series of experiences that emerge from your Conscious Energy Field with the universe. Finding the connection between how we live our lives and the way that the universe works, so that we’re living in harmony with that connection.
Deepak Chopra elucidates that “There are messages everywhere around you to guide you, if you’re open and willing to move in the direction of understanding and growth, and listen to them. Some things in my life, are completely conscious and planned out, whereas others are intuitive, coming from an awareness that isn’t exactly stamped out and demarcated.”
"That’s why, if you really want to break out of the mundane, you must learn to think and dream the impossible. Only with repeated thoughts can the impossible be made possible through the intention of the nonlocal mind.”
“In the vastness of the ocean there is no individual “I” clamoring for attention. There are waves and eddies and tides, but it is all, in the end, ocean. We are all patterns of nonlocality pretending to be people. In the end, it is all spirit.”
So after reading this book and having my mind blown, I'm still left wondering why. I still can't get over why I feel things are not fair. How did those bathroom lights just start working and to this very day, still work.