I've been working on a charcoal example at work during my art experiences classes. It's coming together so nicely, I think I will frame it! It's been a while since I've made art and I realize I really need to do it more! ]I need to figure out how to get more productive while working. I've been on this "when I retire" mode, putting off a lot of things I want to do but I encouraged by Josh recently to start my book before I retire as well as continue to draw and paint. I mostly just do examples, I'd like to just do me.
I started my mental health day off with a hot yoga class that was so hot it was amazing. It had been a lot time I left the studio drenched in sweat. I also started a new medication to weight loss. I'd been on a diabetes medication that helped me lose weight last year. I started this year with blood work that had my AIC numbers back to normal so I got off of it but immediately started gaining my weight back-- so frustrating. I think the bottom line was about hunger. I think that has been my issue all of my life, I get hungry and don't know when I'm full then eat too much. I wish I had the discipline to do it without medication but I don't. I was very happy that my doctor was very accomodating, giving me a few options to try. My pharmacist suggested I start it on a weekend just to make sure I did not suffer from some of the possible side effects. Instead I had a very successful day, feeling quite hopeful about getting back to that pre-Covid weight and then trying to lose more.
Note: Jessi is gone officially for a while. I got to talk to her on the phone to discuss her phone plan so she will have access to it in Europe. I'm hoping the time is not stressful. The war in Ukraine is very stressful.